10 Easy Plants You Can Grow in Water
Not a fan of potting and repotting or dealing with potting mixes? How about growing plants in water then?
Although hydroponic systems are all the rage now, the plants I’ll cover in this article don’t need anything that elaborate or intricate.
They’ll do just fine in a glass vase filled with water. If you’re thinking of giving this method a go, here are 10 easy plants you can grow in water:
Spider Plant
As one of the most adaptable houseplants out there, the Spider plant is easy to grow and can even grow in water.
It’s an instantly recognizable plant for its narrow, arched leaves and spiderettes (baby plantlets).
They prefer bright, indirect light, slightly cooler temperatures (55 to 65 F) and look wonderful in a hanging basket or placed in a pot on a top shelf.
If you grow them in water, keep replacing the water every 2-3 days to prevent clouding and bacterial overgrowth that will eventually initiate a rotting process of the roots.
Of course, spider plants can also be grown in pots with a well-drained potting mix.
Another plant that you can grow in water are philodendrons. These plants boast an excellent variety of the species and adapt to indoor light conditions.
Although fancy and rare philodendron varieties need extra care and attention, the common heart-leaf philodendron lends itself to growing in water.
To keep the plant healthy and prevent rotting roots, replace the water every 3-4 days. Make sure to also clean the vessel if it starts to get build-up on the inside.
When grown in a potting mix, philodendrons enjoy a mix with good and fast drainage. While it enjoys moist soil, it does not tolerate being overwatered.
Another houseplant that’s easy to grow in water or potting mix, the pothos features cascading, heart-shaped leaves that can often be variegated.
The pothos don’t mind being grown in water, especially if the water is replaced often to keep it oxygenated enough for the plant.
They can tolerate a variety of light conditions including low light, so they can be grown even in your bathroom, which is mutually beneficial since the plant also enjoys humidity.
However, variegated pothos varieties do better in bright, indirect light. In low light conditions, they can lose their variegation and revert to normal green leaf color.
Whether you want to root begonia cuttings, or you’re simply enchanted by begonia leaf patterns, you can keep them in water for around two months before they start fading.
But with extra care like keeping the vase or bowl clean and replacing the water often — at least once a week — you can have begonias last longer than that.
Once rooted in water, you can transfer them to a pot with a fast-draining substrate such as one containing perlite, vermiculite or peat moss in its formulation.
These lovely flowering houseplants can grow quite a long time in water. They also root easily in water if you want to propagate your impatiens for potting.
When placing them in water, make sure no leaves touch the water to prevent rotting. Replace the water often to keep it clean.
These beauties love water, so water them regularly if you keep them in pots. When grown in pots, make sure they have hummus-rich soil that drains well.
They’re perfect for shade gardens as they’re shade tolerant. Protect them from the wind and direct sunlight.
The paperwhite narcissus grows from bulbs that you can keep in water and watch as the plant grows and creates beautiful, star-shaped blooms.
For best results, you need to add some gravel and seashells into the glass terrarium in which you’re growing them to fix the bulbs into place and only fill the terrarium up to the base of the bulbs, so that the bulbs are not immersed in water.
After a month or so of growing, you should see some blooming activity going on as well. Replace the water often so that it doesn’t become riddled with bacteria.
Also known as the Wandering Jew, this trailing plant is another suitable candidate for growing in water or in a terrarium-like set-up.
The oval-shaped leaves feature purple undersides, while the top side of the leaves are often variegated with a creamy white color.
The plant prefers bright, indirect light and lots of humidity, so a location like a kitchen or bathroom is the most appropriate.
If you like plants with colorful foliage, the Coleus is an excellent choice both for a houseplant and as a plant that can be grown in water.
The plant tolerates heavy shade and requires very little maintenance. When potted, it enjoys organically rich soil that’s loose and well-draining. It has medium watering requirements.
Lucky Bamboo
A plant with a high ornamental value, the Lucky bamboo is another plant that doesn’t mind having water at its roots instead of potting mix.
It’s a plant with a high ornamental value that’s often placed in narrow vases and the stalks are woven into patterns to create a beautiful display.
As the plant matures, however, its stalks become top heavy, making it difficult for it to not topple over, so you need to put gravel in the vase to fix the Lucky bamboo into place.
Arrowhead Plant
You can take cuttings from a mature arrowhead plant and place them in a glass jar or vase filled with water.
The cuttings will eventually form roots, which will give you the option to plant the arrowhead in a pot.
Either way, make sure to replace the water in the jar at least twice a week and keep the jar itself clean too.
Who says that the only way to keep plants indoors is by potting them? The plants I listed above prove that some can even be grown in water rather easily.
While some of the plants will last even if grown in water alone, others may fade after a couple of months.
Even if you’re just rooting some of these plants in water, sometimes it’s just easier to fill a jar with water than getting your hands dirty with potting soil.