Philodendron Golden Dragon Species Profile & Care Guide

The Philodendron Golden Dragon is a striking foliage plant known for its vibrant leaves.

It belongs to the Araceae family, often cherished by plant enthusiasts for its unique appearance and adaptability.

This species thrives indoors, making it a popular choice for adding a touch of green to living spaces.

Philodendron Golden Dragon

Profile Overview

The Philodendron Golden Dragon is a plant with unique traits and a history. Here’s a quick look at its identity:

  • Common Name: Philodendron Golden Dragon
  • Scientific Name: Philodendron ‘Golden Dragon’
  • Family: Araceae
  • Origin/Native Region: Tropical regions, though the exact origin is not well-documented
  • Growth Habit: Climbing or sprawling, often with large, spreading leaves


The Philodendron Golden Dragon shows off its beauty with features that everyone can spot easily. Its leaves are big and make a statement, with a unique shape and striking color that stand out.

The stems are strong and support the large leaves as the plant grows to its full size. Every part of its appearance, from the leaves to the stems, adds to the distinctive look that makes the Philodendron Golden Dragon a popular choice for plant lovers.

Leaf Size

The Philodendron Golden Dragon has large leaves. These leaves can grow quite big, making the plant stand out in any room. Their size adds to the plant’s beauty and appeal.

When you care for this plant properly, its leaves can become the size of an average person’s forearm, sometimes even larger. They make a statement with their size alone.

The big leaves are part of what draws people to this particular philodendron. Remember, as the plant grows, so will the size of its leaves.

Leaf Shape

The Philodendron Golden Dragon has leaves that are distinct in their form. They typically possess an irregular shape that can be described as a blend between heart-shaped and lance-shaped.

This unique configuration often features deep lobes or indentations on the sides, giving each leaf a somewhat wild and jagged appearance. The edges can sometimes appear wavy, adding to the leaf’s distinctive character.

These interesting shapes contribute to the plant’s overall exotic and dramatic look. The leaves’ ability to catch the eye makes the Golden Dragon a coveted plant among enthusiasts and casual gardeners alike.

Leaf Color

The Philodendron Golden Dragon showcases a remarkable array of colors on its leaves. These hues can range from a deep, emerald green to a lighter, lime green.

As the plant matures, the leaves may develop a golden or yellowish tint, highlighting the veins with contrasting colors. This vibrant mix of greens and golds gives the plant its dragon-like appearance, hence the name “Golden Dragon.”

The color of the leaves may change slightly depending on the amount of light the plant gets. More light can bring out the golden colors, but too much direct sunlight might harm the leaves.

Stem Characteristics

The stems of the Philodendron Golden Dragon are thick and have a vining nature. They support the large leaves and grow long, often requiring support.

The stem’s surface is rough, with visible node marks from where leaves sprout. As the plant matures, these stems might become woody at the base.

They are green but can show a hint of yellow, similar to the leaves. These stems help the plant climb if given a pole or trellis to latch onto.

They also store water, which aids the plant during dry periods. Therefore, the stems are not just supportive structures but also vital for the plant’s survival.

Mature Size

The mature size of a plant tells you how big it can grow when it gets older. For the Philodendron Golden Dragon, this means the size it reaches when it is fully grown, which could take several years.

This plant can become quite large if given enough space and care, making it an impressive addition to any indoor or outdoor space.

While it varies, a mature Philodendron Golden Dragon can reach a significant height and spread, becoming a focal point wherever it is placed.

Care Requirements

Caring for the Philodendron Golden Dragon means giving it what it needs to live and grow.

You need to know how much light it likes, when to water it, the kind of air it breathes best in, the temperature it thrives at, and the soil that suits it.

Just like you have a favorite spot in your house and foods that make you feel good, this plant has preferences too. By meeting these, you’ll help your Philodendron Golden Dragon stay healthy and strong.

Light Needs

The Philodendron Golden Dragon prefers bright, indirect sunlight to thrive. This means the plant should be placed near a window but not directly in the sun’s path, as strong rays can harm its leaves.

For example, a spot behind a sheer curtain would be ideal. The right amount of light will help its leaves stay vibrant and support healthy growth.

If the plant does not get enough light, its leaves may turn yellow, and the stems might stretch out as it reaches for more light. Therefore, ensure it gets enough light, but protect it from direct sunlight.

Watering Frequency

Watering frequency refers to how often you provide water to your Philodendron Golden Dragon plant. This plant likes its soil to remain slightly moist but not waterlogged.

You should check the top inch of soil with your finger; if it feels dry, it’s time to water the plant. Typically, this might mean watering once a week, but it can vary depending on the humidity and temperature of your home.

Overwatering can lead to root rot, while underwatering can cause the leaves to droop and turn yellow. Therefore, finding a balance is key for a healthy plant.

Humidity Preferences

The Philodendron Golden Dragon likes air that feels a bit like a tropical forest. It needs surroundings that are moist, but not too wet. You can think of it as liking the air after a warm rain shower.

Keeping the air moist enough is key to making this plant happy. If the air in your home is dry, you might need to mist the leaves or use a small humidifier.

It’s a bit like giving the plant a mini tropical climate to live in. Aim for humidity levels that range from medium to high for this plant to thrive.

Temperature Range

The temperature range refers to the range of temperatures that the Philodendron Golden Dragon plant can safely tolerate and thrive in. This plant prefers a warm climate and does not do well in the cold.

To keep your Philodendron Golden Dragon healthy, you should aim to maintain the temperature around it between 65°F and 80°F (18°C to 27°C). If the temperature falls below 55°F (13°C), the plant might suffer damage.

Therefore, it’s important to protect your Philodendron Golden Dragon from drafts and cold windows in the winter.

Soil Type & pH Preferences

The Philodendron Golden Dragon likes soil that drains water well. It should be a mix that holds some moisture but does not stay soggy.

The plant prefers slightly acidic soil with a pH between 5.0 and 6.0. This type of soil helps the roots take in nutrients better. Always check that the soil does not pack too tightly, or else the roots can suffocate.

A good mix might include peat, perlite, and pine bark. These ingredients help create the right balance for the plant to thrive.

Growth & Propagation

Growth and propagation are about how a plant increases in size and creates new plants. The Philodendron Golden Dragon grows at a medium pace, and you can make more of them using different methods.

During its active growing season, mainly in spring and summer, it puts on more leaves and gets bigger. You can plant its cuttings in soil or water to start new plants.

As the plant gets larger, you will need to put it in a bigger pot to give it more room. By using these steps, you can help your Philodendron Golden Dragon thrive and even share it with friends.

Growth Rate

The growth rate of a plant tells us how fast it grows over a period of time. For the Philodendron Golden Dragon, the growth rate is generally considered to be moderate.

This means that it doesn’t grow very fast like some other plants do, but it doesn’t grow too slowly either.

It will take a few years for it to reach its full size, but you’ll see new leaves appearing regularly if the plant is happy and healthy. If you give it the right care, you can watch it grow bit by bit throughout the year.

Propagation Methods

Propagation is how you create new plants from an existing Philodendron Golden Dragon. You can propagate this plant by cutting a piece of stem that has at least one leaf and a few roots or nodes.

These pieces can grow into new plants when you place them in water or soil. Another method is by air layering, where you encourage roots to form on a stem while it’s still attached to the plant.

Once roots develop, you can cut the stem off and plant it. Both methods are like making a copy of the original plant.

Season of Active Growth

The season of active growth is when a plant grows the most. For the Philodendron Golden Dragon, this happens mainly during spring and summer.

During these warmer months, the plant will produce new leaves and stems more quickly. This is the best time to give the plant more water and fertilizer because it uses more energy to grow.

It’s important not to confuse this period with the rest of the year, when the plant grows slowly or not at all. In fall and winter, you should reduce watering and stop fertilizing since the plant is resting.

Understanding the active growth season helps you take better care of your Philodendron Golden Dragon.

Potting and Repotting Recommendations

For the Philodendron Golden Dragon to thrive, it needs the right home. Potting is when you first put it in a pot, and repotting is when you give it a new pot.

Do this about every two years or when the plant seems too big for its pot. Choose a pot that is a bit larger than the current one, with good drainage holes at the bottom.

Use fresh potting soil made for houseplants to give it nutrients to grow. After moving it into the new pot, water the soil to help the roots settle.

Remember, a happy Philodendron is a healthy one, and the right pot makes a big difference.

Potential Issues

Like all plants, the Philodendron Golden Dragon can face certain challenges. These problems might be pests trying to eat it, diseases that can make it sick, or other troubles due to the environment it lives in.

Each of these issues can hurt the plant’s health or slow down its growth. It’s important to know what can go wrong so you can help your plant stay happy and healthy.

By keeping an eye out for these potential issues, you can take action quickly if something seems off with your Philodendron Golden Dragon.

Common Pests

The Philodendron Golden Dragon, like other houseplants, can attract certain bugs that feed on its leaves and stems. Common pests include:

  • Spider mites: These tiny spiders weave webs on the underside of leaves and can cause yellow spots.
  • Aphids: Small, green bugs that stick to leaves and stems, stealing the plant’s sap.
  • Mealybugs: White, cottony pests that also suck sap and can lead to weak growth.
  • Scale insects: These look like small brown discs on the plant and can damage its overall health.

You can fight these pests by wiping leaves with soapy water or using insecticidal sprays. Keeping your plant healthy also helps prevent bug infestations.

Common Diseases

Philodendron Golden Dragon plants can get sick, just like people do. These diseases usually come from tiny living things called pathogens. These pathogens can be fungi, bacteria, or viruses.

The most common disease for this plant is root rot, which happens when the roots stay too wet for too long and start to decay. Leaf spot is another disease where you can see brown or black spots on the leaves.

Both diseases can harm the plant if not treated. It’s important to keep an eye out for any signs of these problems so you can help your plant stay healthy.

Other Sensitivities

The Philodendron Golden Dragon, like all plants, may have certain dislikes or react badly to some conditions. These are called sensitivities.

For example, this plant may not like too much direct sunlight as it can burn its leaves. It also does not do well in very dry environments, which can make its leaves turn brown and crispy.

If it’s put in a spot that is too cold or drafty, it might stop growing. Therefore, paying attention to where you place the plant and what kind of environment you keep it in can help avoid these issues.

Special Features & Uses

The Philodendron Golden Dragon has unique traits and serves multiple purposes.

You can use the Philodendron Golden Dragon as a decorative piece in your living space. Its looks can really change the feel of a room.

However, you should keep it away from pets and small children because it’s toxic when ingested. So while this plant is a beauty, it’s also best admired from a distance.

Unique Characteristics

The Philodendron Golden Dragon stands out because of its unusual features. This plant’s leaves have an exotic and irregular shape, often looking like they are split or scored.

Each leaf is like a work of art, different from the last, with varying patterns of light and dark green. Touch the leaves, and you will notice they feel thick and leathery.

The plant also produces aerial roots, which hang down and help it gather nutrients and water from the air. These special traits make the Philodendron Golden Dragon a fascinating plant to grow and observe.

Decorative Use

The Philodendron Golden Dragon makes homes look more inviting. It has large, eye-catching leaves that add a tropical feel to any room. People often place it in living rooms or offices to enjoy its beauty.

Due to its size and unique leaf pattern, the plant can be a natural focal point. Hanging baskets or tall pots show off its trailing leaves best.

When you want to bring a piece of nature inside, this plant is a top choice. It pairs well with both modern and traditional decor, making it versatile for many styles.


Toxicity tells us if a plant is safe to touch or eat. The Philodendron Golden Dragon has a level of toxicity, especially to pets and small children.

If they chew on the leaves, they may feel sick. The plant contains a substance called calcium oxalate crystals. These can cause irritation in the mouth, stomach pain, and sometimes vomiting if ingested.

It’s important to keep the plant out of reach to avoid any accidents. If someone does eat part of the plant, they should get help from a doctor or a poison control center right away.

Always handle the plant with care, especially when you have curious pets or little kids around.

Additional Tips & Tricks

When you care for a Philodendron Golden Dragon, small details matter. Giving your plant extra attention can make a big difference. Use the right type of fertilizer to help it grow strong.

Regularly check the leaves for dust and clean them gently. If you notice the plant outgrowing its pot, it’s time to move it to a larger one. A stake or moss pole supports the plant as it climbs and reaches for the light.

Remember to rotate the pot occasionally to ensure the plant grows evenly on all sides. These tips can lead to a healthier, happier Philodendron Golden Dragon.

Fertilization Recommendations

For your Philodendron Golden Dragon to grow well, it needs the right food. This means using fertilizer. Fertilize the plant once a month during spring and summer.

These are the seasons when the plant is growing most. Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer. Make sure to follow the instructions on the fertilizer package.

Too much can harm your plant. Don’t fertilize in fall or winter. During these times, your plant is resting and does not need extra food.

This will help keep your Philodendron Golden Dragon healthy and strong.

Pruning & Maintenance

Pruning means cutting off parts of the Philodendron Golden Dragon to keep it healthy and neat. You should remove any yellow or dead leaves with clean scissors.

Also, cut back long vines to control the plant’s size if it gets too big. This helps the plant focus on growing new, healthy leaves. When pruning, always use clean tools to prevent spreading diseases.

Regularly check the plant for unhealthy parts, and take care of them right away. By doing this, you help your Philodendron Golden Dragon stay strong and look its best.

Support Structures

Support structures are items used to hold up your Philodendron Golden Dragon as it grows. Just like a ladder helps you reach high places, support structures help this plant climb and stay upright.

There are different types you can use, such as moss poles, trellises, or stakes. You attach the plant’s stem to these supports gently with ties.

Doing this keeps your plant healthy and looking its best, ensuring that the leaves have enough space and light to thrive. Remember to adjust the supports as your plant gets bigger.

Houseplants   Philodendrons   Updated: November 11, 2023
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