IKEA Himalayamix Plant Species & Care
The popular IKEA Himalayamix contains easy care plants that thrive in indoor spaces. To maximize the lifespan and health of your Himalayamix plants, I’ve put together a short care guide below that will highlight:
- The light requirements,
- Watering requirements,
- The soil type needed for each plant in this mix.
The plant mix offered by IKEA under the name Himalayamix contains different types of plants based on where in the world you’re located.
I will go over both the US version of the mix, which is more plentiful than what’s offered elsewhere in the world, and the plant mix available at IKEA in other countries under the same name.
NOTE: here is a list of most popular indoor and outdoor succulents, and the good news is that some of them are also available at IKEA.
If you are looking for a premium, all-purpose organic fertilizer for your IKEA himalayamix plants, I highly recommend the Joyful Dirt plant food. This fertilizer is suitable for most houseplants.
In the US, the IKEA Himalayamix contains the following plants:
1. Living Stone Succulent (Pleiospilos Nelii)
Otherwise known as the Split Rock succulent, this succulent is egg-shaped with two grey-green leaves featuring a split in the middle. This is a sun and warmth loving succulent that can be grown indoors if its light requirements are met.
Light Requirements
The living stone will tolerate full sun to partial shade. Indoors, you should make sure it gets 4-6 hours of bright light per day.
It’s not a cold hardy plant, so if you’re keeping it outside, make sure to take it back inside if it gets colder than 30 F in your area.
This is not a thirsty succulent. Best way to prevent overwatering, which will cause the plant to burst or rot, is to soak the plant with water, then let it dry out completely before the next watering.
Soil Type
A well draining, sandy soil works best for this plant. The soil should not have much organic matter to prevent it from holding water and rotting.
2. Peperomia Dolabriformis (Prayer Pepper)
The Peperomia Dolabriformis is another succulent. It has light-green, purse shaped leaves that give this succulent a peculiar look.
Light Requirements
The plant likes bright light and warmth, so it should winter indoors in most of North America. Indoors, it’s best to keep your peperomia near a window that receives bright light. Indirect light works best, direct sunlight can damage the leaves.
An otherwise easy plant to care for, peperomia dolabriformis enjoys constantly moist soil, but it’s susceptible to overwatering, so it’s best to slightly underwater it.
Soil Type
Succulent potting mix or cactus potting mix works best. The soil should drain well. The plant enjoys being slightly pot bound.
3. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum)
As gentle as they look, spider plants are tough and resilient. That doesn’t mean, however, that you shouldn’t take good care of it and meet its ideal requirements.
Light Requirements
Spider plants flourish in bright, indirect light. Direct sun exposure should be avoided as strong sunlight will burn the leaves of the plant.
As with many other plants in the Himalayan mix, the spider plant should be watered well, but the soil should not be allowed to be soggy. Allowing the soil to dry between watering is the gold standard in watering spider plants.
Soil Type
A well draining soil is essential to prevent water retention, which causes the fatal root rot that can affect many houseplants.
4. Peperomia Rotundifolia (Round Leaf Peperomia)

Peperonia Rotundifolia (source – CC BY-SA 4.0)
The peperomia rotundifolia is a succulent with soft, thick, rounded leaves. This is a trailing peperomia variety that favors light and humidity.
Light Requirements
Offering bright light and avoiding direct sunlight is best suited for the round leaf peperomia. Strong direct sunlight can scorch the leaves, but a bit of morning and evening sun won’t be a problem.
Water your peperomia thoroughly but allow the soil to dry out. This is the only way to prevent overwatering related root rot.
Soil Type
A well aerated and well draining soil (e.g. 2 parts peat, 1 part perlite) is what peperomias will like best.
5. Muehlenbeckia Complexa (Maidenhair Vine)
Tiny foliage and many interlacing branches are the most defining characteristics of this mat-forming plant that loves to bask in full sun.
Light Requirements
Muehlenbeckia Complexa likes fun sun but will tolerate a little shade as well.
Watering should be done thoroughly, but make sure the soil is dry before you water it next. Like all the other plants I discussed so far, the Muehlenbeckia Complexa is also prone to root rot if it’s watered too often, too much.
Soil Type
Well draining soil is essential. Sandy, clay soils work great for the Muehlenbeckia Complexa.
6. Peperomia Belly Button (Peperomia Verticillata)
The Peperomia Belly Button plant is a succulent that has erect trailing stems. This peperomia variety enjoys humidity and warmth.
Light Requirements
Outdoors, the Peperomia Verticillata is grown in partial shade. Indoors, it prefers bright indirect light.
The plant enjoys misting, but it’s not a requirement when the air isn’t noticeably dry in your home. Its water requirements are moderate, a bit of moist soil is good for the plant, but the soil should dry out a bit between waterings.
Soil Type
Well-drained soil is must, succulent soil mixes are perfect for this succulent variety as well.
7. Sedum Makinoi (Japanese Stonecrop)
The sedum makinoi is a creeping succulent that’s low growing featuring tiny, rounded and fleshy leaves. It’s not a fussy plant, it thrives with very little care.
Light Requirements
The sedum makinoi should be exposed to full sun to partial shade. It’s a drought and heat tolerant plant that’s notable for its bright gold leaves and yellow-green flowers.
The watering requirements of this plant can be described as dry to medium. Overwatering is a problem, so best to underwater it.
Soil Type
Well drained soils are the only ones that work for this plant that’s prone to root rot if the soil retains water.
8. Senecio Barbertonicus (Succulent Bush Senecio)
This evergreen succulent bush has pointy leaves that grow upwards on the stems. Indoor growing is not ideal for this succulent variety that thrives best outdoors. Since it’s not cold hardy, it should be brought back inside when the weather gets cold.
Light Requirements
Keep your senecio barbertonicus in full sun to partial shade for best results. If you’re going to try to keep it indoors, make sure it gets plenty of bright light.
This succulent bush has the typical watering requirements of a succulent — a thorough watering followed by a period in which the soil is left to dry.
Soil Type
Its soil requirements are also that of a typical succulent — well draining mix. Pick any good quality succulent mix and you’re good to go.
In other countries, IKEA offers its Himalayamix containing these two plants as well:
9. Pilea Glauca

Pilea Glauca (source – CC BY-SA 4.0)
With cascading green-grey leaves, the pilea glauca is a wonderful plant for hanging baskets. It has hundreds of dainty leaves that make this plant look absolutely stunning.
Light Requirements
Place your pilea glauca next to a window that gets bright indirect light all day. The good news is that this plant can develop beautifully even under artificial light. It’s also a terrarium-friendly plant, so you have a lot of options in creating a good environment for it.
Don’t let your pilea glauca sit in water. If you’re overly generous with watering, you’ll cause the plant to rot. Show a little restraint with the water can and let the soil dry out a bit before you water next.
Soil Type
Fast-draining soil is crucial for this plant, so pick a potting mix that’s designed for succulents and cacti, it will be suitable for your pilea glauca as well.
10. Peperomia Fosteri
The low spreading branches, deep green leaves that are slightly pointed make this peperomia variety an attractive and elegant choice.
Light Requirements
Partial shade and partial sun are ideal for the peperomia fosteri. Avoid full sun exposure to prevent scorching of the leaves.
Use the ‘soak and dry’ watering method with this plant too. Don’t let it sit in water for the same reasons other houseplants should not be allowed to sit in soggy soil. Water deeply, but make sure water drains fast from the pot.
Soil Type
A potting medium that contains 50% peat moss and 50% perlite is perfect for this peperomia plant. This soil type will dry out faster and will prevent root rot.
Final Thoughts
If you’re a complete beginner to gardening, don’t worry, all the plants in the IKEA Himalayamix are beginner-friendly and most are very adaptable and resilient.
Just because they are all part of the same plant mix, it doesn’t mean that they all have the same keeping requirements. Some enjoy full sun, others like their soil to be a bit moist.
Take your time to familiarize yourself with each plant’s requirements, so you can set them up to a good start. Find them a location in your home that takes into account their light requirements.
What you should be careful with all plants in this list is overwatering and soil type. A too generous watering coupled with soil that has a high water-holding capacity will spell trouble for most succulents and other house plants including those in the IKEA Himalayamix.
when I transplant himalayamix peperomia from small pot to larger do I break roots apart or loosen them up ?
Hey Katie, you can loosen them up a bit, but make sure you don’t damage the roots too much.