How to Care for Green Ti Plant?

Known under several names including that of the ‘Good Luck Plant’, the Green Ti Plant is an evergreen plant with an upright growth pattern and fan-like clusters of green foliage.

As a native to Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific Ocean region, the Cordyline Fruticosa Glauca makes an interesting houseplant that will feel just right indoors.

Whether you want to add a touch of tropics in your living space or you’re simply intrigued by the foliage of this plant, the care tips I discuss below will help you grow a healthy and thriving Green Ti Plant.

Size & Growth

Although in its natural habitat, the Green Ti Plant grows several feet tall, indoors it stays at a moderate height, depending on how well its requirements are met.

Sometimes, the plant will stay at around 2-4 feet. This doesn’t mean it never grows taller; in its natural habitat, it often reaches 9 to 10 feet in height.

But since it’s a relatively slow grower and its needs can be peculiar; it may not grow very tall unless conditions are optimal.

A juvenile Cordyline Fruticosa Glauca can make an excellent centerpiece plant and as the plant matures, it can become a beautiful floor-standing plant.

Light Requirements

The reason why this plant can adapt well to indoor conditions is its light requirements. Since it doesn’t need direct sun exposure, it does well in bright to medium indirect light, which most homes will offer anyway.

Green Ti Plants kept outdoors during the summer should be shielded from direct sun exposure, especially during the hottest parts of the day when the sun is the strongest.

While extra watering can counter some of the ill-effects of the strong sun, the plant still prefers semi-shade.


Although it tolerates some drought, it’s best to keep the soil evenly damp. The Cordyline Fruticosa is not happy when its roots are kept in soggy soil, so it’s important to avoid overwatering it. Water whenever the topsoil starts to dry out.

During the winter, water much less frequently since the plant is dormant and excess water will not be to its benefit.

It’s not ideal to water the Green Ti Plant with tap water. I recommend you use rainwater, if possible, or use filtered tap water.

If you don’t have a filter, simply leave tap water out overnight to aerate. This will allow chlorine to evaporate. Conversely, it will reduce the chances of your plant developing brown leaf tips.

Soil Type

It’s not always enough to be careful how you water your Green Ti plant, you should also plant in a substrate that’s optimal for this type of plant.

Look for potting mixes that are fast draining such as those containing peat, perlite, sand or bark in their formulation.

A good mix you can put together yourself is two parts peat, one part perlite or one part sand. Commercially available mixes designed for tropical plants also work well.

Temperature & Humidity

The Ti thrives in average room temperature. Expressed in numbers, the temperature range preferred by the plant is between 65 degrees Fahrenheit and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Don’t keep the plant outdoors when temperatures start to dip below 65. Even indoors, you should be mindful to avoid spots with cool drafts that can cause sudden temperature fluctuations.

This is a humidity loving plant, so either choose a location for it that’s naturally high in humidity or simply raise humidity levels around the plant.

Misting the plant is one way to raise humidity, while the other easy way is to use a humidity tray. Alternatively, if you have multiple humidity loving plants, you can invest in a humidifier.


The Green Ti plant can benefit from regular fertilizer to help it put out vibrant green foliage. You can use a slow-release fertilizer when potting the plant or for ongoing maintenance, you can use a balanced liquid fertilizer in a weak formulation.

Apply the fertilizer once or twice a month during the growing season, usually from spring to fall. In winter, stop fertilizing the plant and reduce watering.

Don’t use undiluted fertilizer or very strong fertilizers because you risk causing fertilizer burn, whose effects can be devastating.

Potting & Repotting

While the Cordyline fruticosa glauca is still juvenile, it’s recommended to repot it every 2 years or so. When repotting, make sure you also replace the potting mix with a fresh batch.

The old potting mix can be depleted of nutrients, it can harbor diseases or pests, or it can have mineral build-up from excessive fertilizing.

Once the plant matures, you can repot only every 3-4 years. It’s recommended to replace the topsoil with fresh potting mix in the years in which you’re not transferring your plant to a different pot.

When the plants are mature, make sure they’re planted in sturdy pots or that they’re secured so that they don’t topple over, especially when kept outdoors, where even winds can knock them over.

How to Propagate Green Ti Plant?

The easiest way to propagate the Green Ti Plant is with cuttings. Use mature stems and cut pieces that are 4-6 inches long.

Remove the leaves, dab in rooting hormone, and place in damp potting mix in a warm location, out of direct sunlight. Keep the potting mix damp and avoid temperature fluctuations.

After a couple of weeks, the cuttings should root, and new growths should appear. Repot only after each stem has about 3-4 leaves.

Wrapping Up

Whether this plant brings good luck or not, one thing is for sure — it’s a beautiful foliage plant that requires little care once you know how to set its environment up correctly.

The plant isn’t prone to serious diseases or pest problems, although regular houseplant pests can occasionally make their presence known.

Although the plant has air purifying abilities and it’s said to remove benzene, formaldehyde and other toxins from air, it’s a poisonous plant to pets and small children, so make sure it’s out of reach.

Other than this caveat, the plant doesn’t come with other surprises and it’s a relatively easy plant to grow indoors.

Houseplants   Updated: April 7, 2022
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