Winter Jasmine – Care, Growing, Watering, Flowering, Propagation

Since it’s one of the earliest flowering shrubs, the Jasminum nudiflorum was aptly named winter jasmine. In some areas, the winter jasmine will bloom as early as January.

With bright yellow, cherry-like flowers, the winter jasmine certainly brings a spot of warmth and color in the monochrome palette of winter.

This climbing plant has simple and easy care instructions that I will detail below for anyone who wants to add a little cheer to their garden.

Winter Jasmine Plant Care Tips

Here’s all you need to know about growing jasminum nudiflorum in your garden with special focus on the light, soil and watering requirements of these winter flowering shrubs.

Plant Size

You’ll find a lot of variations in the size of winter jasmine shrubs. They can grow anywhere between 4 feet to 15 feet tall and spread to about 7-10 feet. It takes between 5 to 10 years for the plant to reach its ultimate size.

The variation in height and spread exists because the plant will grow taller and spread wider if it’s supported by a trellis or other structure and grow smaller when it’s unsupported.

The yellow flowers are around 1 inch in diameter, and they emerge earlier than the leaves. The flowers are much larger than the leaves that stay at an unremarkable size.

Light Requirements

The winter jasmine enjoys full sun to partial shade. It’s not a fussy plant, you can find a south-facing or west-facing position, or even a north or east-facing position.

The winter jasmine will tolerate full shade, but it simply fares better and blooms better in full sun or partial shade.

It’s best to grow near a fence or other structure, allowing it to spill over or support it upright.


The winter jasmine enjoys its soil slightly moist and has low to average watering needs. Extra watering is not needed unless you’re starting the plant indoors and you want cuttings to root.

Potted winter jasmines need regular watering in spring and summer, especially if temperatures are high. Water thoroughly every 2-3 weeks.

Temperature & Humidity

Jasminum nudiflorum is suitable to be grown in USDA hardiness zones 6 through 11. Its humidity requirements are low to average.

It’s a winter hardy plant that not only will tolerate cold, but it will be among the first plants to bloom as winter turns to spring.

The hardiness to freezing of the winter jasmine is all the way down to 5°F (-15°C).

Soil Type

The winter jasmine is adaptable to different soil conditions — it can grow in sandy soil, chalk, loam or clay. It prefers well-draining soil that doesn’t become waterlogged but remains slightly moist.

Adding compost to the soil will help with that bit of moisture and will also provide an environment rich in organic matter.


Other than adding some compost to the ground, the winter jasmine does not require any extra fertilizing. The compost will also help if you want your winter jasmine to grow bigger or spread a bit more.

Potting & Repotting

If you want a winter jasmine for your terrace or balcony, you can grow these feisty little shrubs in pots and containers as well.

Use well draining soil such as a mix of peat and sand. Repotting should be done when the plant becomes pot-bound. Schedule repotting in spring after the blooming period.

Winter Jasmine Plant Propagation

The winter jasmine can be propagated through layering or semi-hardwood cuttings. Cuttings should be planted in well draining soil and allowed to root.

To encourage rooting, ensure that the soil stays moist. While not necessary, you can dab the cut end into rooting hormone to speed up the process. Cover the pot with a plastic wrap and keep in a warm place.

Layering is just as easy, perhaps even easier. In fact, whenever the winter jasmine touches the ground, roots will start to form.  Simply choose a longer stem, wound it by scraping the stem with a knife and lower it to the level of the pot so that it’s covered with soil.

Keep the soil moist to encourage rooting. Once the roots are formed, you can cut the new winter jasmine away from the mother plant, dig out the new plant and plant elsewhere.

Winter Jasmine FAQs

Read the FAQs below to find out if winter jasmines are poisonous, which are the pests that may attack winter jasmines and what other things you should look out for when cultivating this plant on your balcony or garden.

Are winter jasmines poisonous?

Jasminum nudiflorum is not poisonous to dogs, cats, horses, birds, livestock or humans. Therefore, it’s a perfectly safe plant to cultivate in your garden or keep in or around your house.

Does the winter jasmine have pest problems?

The winter jasmine is not particularly prone to any pest problems or diseases. Still, the occasional scale or aphids may make a presence.

Are winter jasmines an invasive species?

Winter jasmines can become invasive if they’re left to their own devices. Unsupported winter jasmines are especially prone to invasiveness because of their propensity to shoot roots whenever the stems touch the ground.

To prevent the winter jasmine from becoming invasive, make sure to prune regularly, especially unwanted vines that find their way to places where they’re not welcome.

How to prune winter jasmine?

You can prune your winter jasmine in spring after blooming or prune multiple times a year with the caveat that if you cut down old woody stems, you may notice fewer blooms next spring.

The winter jasmine blooms on older stems, so depending on the size of your winter jasmine and its spread, you may want to hold off on multiple prunings per year.


The winter jasmine is a truly low maintenance plant, but yearly pruning is recommended, especially if you don’t want the shrub to grow out of control.

This plant is winter hardy, loves full sun and while it can be grown indoors up until a point, it’s still a plant that’s much more suited to be planted outdoors.

Shrubs   Updated: June 14, 2022
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